Lieb-Robinson bounds for light-matter interactions with error bounds for numerical stimulation methods such as TEDOPA

Seminar author:Mischa Woods

Event date and time:05/27/2014 02:30:pm

Event location:IFAE seminar room

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We derive  Lieb-Robinson bounds for arbitrary system Hamiltonians interacting with a quadratic bosonic Hamiltonian.  We apply these results to achieve bounds for discretising a continuum bath of bosonic oscillators even though there is no apparent locality in the model; providing bounds for the Spin-Boson model and its generalizations. These bounds as well as having physical significance, have important consequences for the efficiency of simulating such systems numerically. We also discuss how to monitor the error introduced by truncating the infinite local dimensions of the bath, with this fully rigorous error bounds on the numerical simulation of infinite dimension bosonic baths are achieved, providing error bounds for TEDOPA (Time Evolving Density Matrix with Orthogonal Polynomial Algorithm).