Non-Local Correlations: Hidden Communication and Non-Causal Models

Seminar author:Stefan Wolf

Event date and time:07/24/2014 03:00:pm

Event location:IFAE seminar room

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Entangled quantum states can have a joint behavior under measurements
that is, in classical terms, not explainable by pre-shared information but
only by communication. Since such non-local correlations even appear in
space-like separated measurement events, it is fair to say that they
question established ideas we may have on the nature of space and time.
Are the correlations caused by influences hidden behind the scenes?
If yes, can these influences be quantified? What are the consequences of
dropping global assumptions on the validity of quantum theory?
We discuss a result stating that under the assumption of only local validity
of quantum theory, and of the absence of logical paradoxes, three parties
are able to win some “non-causal game” with certainty even in the macroscopic
limit, whereas the same is known to be impossible in the two-party case.