Nonlocal Energy Locking: Thermodynamic Signatures of Quantum Correlations

Seminar author:Mir Alimuddin

Event date and time:11/28/2024 02:30:pm

Event location:Seminar Room, GIQ

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The interplay between quantum correlations and thermodynamics has unveiled profound insights into the behavior of composite quantum systems. In this talk, we introduce the concept of nonlocal locking of energy in quantum batteries—a striking manifestation of nonclassical correlations. By focusing on the difference between global and local (classical communication) extractable work (ergotropic work), we highlight its role as a signature of entanglement (discord) in bipartite systems and extend this framework to multipartite systems. Our findings establish thermodynamic quantities capable of witnessing and quantifying non-classicality in multipartite quantum states, distinguishing between different classes of quantum correlations. Furthermore, we explore an operational phenomenon where observable quantities become locked in the correlations of a nonclassical state, demonstrating implications for enhanced energy storage in quantum devices. This operational perspective not only sheds light on the nature of quantum correlations but also paves the way for enhanced energy storage and management in quantum thermodynamic devices.