Polar Codes for Quantum Channel Discrimination
Seminar author:Stefano Mancini
Event date and time:12/17/2020 04:00:pm
Event location:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88427826091?pwd=OEFqUkxZOXpjMmJNV3Rqb2Y1aExWQT09
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Statistical discrimination of quantum channels is a crucial part of many protocols in quantum
communication and quantum cryptography. Several paths to improve channel discrimination
exist in the literature. However, there is much to be done in the avenue of optimizing channel
discrimination using classical codes. At least two open questions can be pointed out:
how to construct low complexity encoding schemes that are interesting for channel discrimination and,
more importantly, how to develop capacity-achieving protocols.
The talk aims at presenting a solution to these questions using polar codes.
Firstly, we characterize the rate and reliability of the
channels under polar encoding. We also show that the error probability of the scheme proposed
decays exponentially with respect to the code length. Lastly, an analysis of the optimal quantum
states to be used as probes is given.