Quantum Memory Assisted Probing of Dynamical Spin Correlations
Seminar author:Matteo Rizzi
Event date and time:05/18/2012 09:30:am
Event location:IFAE seminar room
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We propose a method to probe time dependent correlations of non trivial observables in many-body ultracold lattice gases.
The scheme uses a quantum non-demolition matter-light interface, first, to map the observable of interest on the many body system into the light and, then, to store coherently such information into an external system acting as a quantum memory.
Correlations of the observable at two (or more) instances of time are retrieved with a single final measurement that includes the readout of the quantum memory.
Such method brings at reach the study of dynamics of many-body systems in and out of equilibrium by means of quantum memories in the field of quantum simulators.