What is a nonlocality measure?
Seminar author:Julio I. de Vicente
Event date and time:01/15/2015 02:30:pm
Event location:IFAE seminar room
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Besides its foundational interest, quantum nonlocality has been identified as a resource to implement various tasks in the context of device-independent quantum information processing. This naturally leads to introduce nonlocality measures to assess how useful a resource might be. Although physical intuition allows to define several quantifiers, one might ask what are the minimal mathematical requirements such measures must meet. In this talk I will approach this problem from the point of view of a resource theory following the analogy of entanglement. In order to do so, I will analyze in full mathematical detail the operations that can be implemented in the device independent scenario and under which nonlocality cannot increase. This provides a rigorous and systematical theoretical ground on how to order and quantify nonlocal behaviours since nonlocality measures must be monotonic under these operations. I will then discuss the validity of several measures from this point of view.