Workshop THERMIQ

Seminar author:STREP Proposal

Event date and time:11/27/2014 02:30:pm

Event location:

Event contact:

2nd TherMiQ (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)

27 November 2014

14:30–14:35 Anna Sanpera (UAB): Welcome and opening of the meeting 

14:35–15:20 Oscar Dahlsten (UOXF): Single-shot quantum statistical mechanics: recent advances 

15:20–15:30 Coffee Break 

15:30–16:15 G. Massimo Palma (Palermo & NEST): Heat flux and correlations in collisional model of open system dynamics 

16:15–17:00 M. Mehboudi (UAB): Thermometry in strongly correlated ultracold lattice gases & L. Correa (UAB): Individual quantum probes for optimal thermometry 

17:00–17:45 Gabriele De Chiara (QUB): Out of equilbrium thermodynamics of coherent quantum systems 

17:45–19:30 Free discussions & Check-in at Hotel Via Augusta 

20:00–onward Dinner 

28 November 2014 

09:30–10:15 Eric Lutz (FAU): An all-optical stochastic heat engine: theory 

10:15–11:00 Nikolai Kiesel (UNIVIE): All-optical heat engine cycles and experimental progress towards levitated optomechanics in the quantum regime and in pulsed optomechancis 

11:00–11:15 Coffee Break 

11:15–12:00 Tobias Donner (ETH): Measurement of the dynamic structure factor of a quantum gas at a structural phase transition 

12:00–12:15 Mauro Paternostro (QUB): Status of the project and progress to the delivery of the objectives & Closure of the meeting 

12:15–13:15 3rd Meeting of the TherMiQ Steering Committee