Complete set of operational measures for the characterization of 3-qubit entanglement
Julio de Vicente | Innsbruck University
06/15/2012 09:30:am IFAE seminar room (UAB) -
Weak randomness and quantum encryption
Jan Bouda | Innsbruck University
06/04/2012 09:30:am IFAE seminar room (UAB) -
Process positive operator valued measures
Mário Ziman | ITP ETH, Zurich
05/23/2012 08:30:am IFAE seminar room -
Studying the robustness of topological phases with iPEPS and pCUT methods
Roman Orus | Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics
05/21/2012 09:30:am IFAE seminar room -
Quantum Memory Assisted Probing of Dynamical Spin Correlations
Matteo Rizzi | Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics
05/18/2012 09:30:am IFAE seminar room -
The smallest possible thermal machine and the foundations of thermodynamics
Sandu Popescu | Bristol University
05/17/2012 09:30:am IFAE seminar room -
Entanglement control in hybrid optomechanical systems
Ben Rogers | Queen’s University Belfast
05/04/2012 09:30:am IFAE seminar room (UAB) -
Genuine classical and quantum correlations in multipartite systems
Gianluca Giorgi | IFISC (CSIC-UIB)
04/27/2012 09:30:am IFAE seminar room (UAB) -
Optimal inconclusive discrimination
Ramon Muñoz Tapia | GIQ (UAB)
03/16/2012 11:00:am IFAE seminar room -
Scaling of the Schmidt gap in the vicinity of a critical point
Anna Sanpera | GIQ (UAB)
03/09/2012 11:00:am IFAE seminar room (UAB)
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