Our Group integrates a series of lines of research, interrelated and developed in the context of High Performance Computing (HPC)

Research Lines

Considering HPC for Apps & Simulation, the main research lines focuses on two broad areas:

  1. HPC Technology
  2. Applications with Societal Impact

Detailed subjects:

Our project aims to provide solutions to the following problems, while it creates the corresponding technology that allows these solutions to be transferred:

  1. Performance and Efficiency in the use of HPC resources
    • Effect of the interconnection network on the performance of applications
    • Performance prediction. Scalability.
    • Efficient execution of applications: programming model, energy consumption, heterogeneous multicore.
  2. Availability of HPC resources (available to user)
    • Fault tolerance for HPC in numerical (technical-scientific) and transactional applications.
    • Integrity against attacks in use and/or access to the HPC resources (Vulnerability)
  3. Design and optimization of HPC systems, for “workloads” specific (application-specific domains)
    • CPU, network interconnection, I/O & Availability
    • Support tools (simulation)
  4. Social projection (impact) applications (solutions to problems of social impact -smart applications-, which require the capacity of HPC systems):
    • Simulation and optimization of Emergency Services in Hospitals (Smarter Health Services)
    • Simulation of Individuals oriented Models
      • HPCNelogo: Environment for the concurrent execution of ABM models under Netlogo-Behavior Space in an unattended/remote way on an HPC cluster using SGE (Github).
    • Simulation and optimization of movements of individuals in constrained environments (Smart Evacuations): Emergency Evacuations.


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