Simul2024 Awards: Francisco Mesa, HPC4EAS researcher, has received the award for best paper at the Simul24 Conference.


The authors of these papers are also receiving invitations to submit an extended article version to one of the IARIA Journals.

30th Edition of CACIC:

The Argentine Congress on Computer Science (CACIC) is organized by the Network of National Universities with Computer Science programs (RedUNCI). Since 1995, CACIC has brought together researchers, teachers, professionals, undergraduate & graduate students in the Computer Science discipline.

The Congress covers important topics in Computer Science through the organization of different Workshops, coordinated by experts in the discipline. In these Workshops, scientific works evaluated by researchers from the country and abroad are presented.

The 30th edition was held in the University of La Plata (October 7-10 , 2024) and the session videos can be obtained from Youtube Channel.

Research contributions presented from the HPC4EAS members:

  • Francisco Mesas: Adaptive Agent-Based Model and Simulation Metasystem for Emergency Departments.
  • Mariela Rodríguez: Análisis de desempeño de Servicio de Urgencia Hospitalario con llegada creciente de pacientes.
  • Mercedes Planas: Evaluación del tiempo crítico para realizar acciones preventivas en el Servicio de Urgencias Hospitalarias.
  • Candelaria Álvarez: Patient-centric synthetic data generation: a new methodology for Chronic Kidney Disease.
    [+ Proceedings]

New PhD at HPC4EAS

Dr. Elham Shojaei received the extraordinary doctoral award 2023 at the UAB Doctoral School. Congratulations!!

New project granted to HPC4EAS PhD candidate at CESGA.

For access to the resources of the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES), the objectives of the project, reasons for the need for the activities and efficiency are analyzed. The researchers present their projects, which are evaluated by the Executive Commission of the BSC-CNS (

In this third call, the RES has allocated resources for data services for the 2023-2027 period, specifically 2.14 PB for 2023; 2.91 PB for 2024; 3.61 PB for 2025, 1.30 PB for 2026 and 1.10 PB for 2027. Additionally, virtual machines and 1M CPU hours have been allocated to contribute to the exploitation of stored data.

PhD student Edixon Parraga (HPC4EAS member) with the project Modeling the file Input/Output behavior of parallel scientific applications and Machine Learning/Deep Learning in HPC systems has been granted with the following TB from 2023 onwards Project: 95, 130, 185, 185, 185 Backup: 5, 10, 15, 15, 15 and 50,000 hours of computing per year at CESGA.

New professors.

Our congratulations to the new professors in the ACSO department: Porfidio Hernández, Ana Cortés, Dolores Rexachs!

Dolores Rexachs and tribunal members.
Porfidio Hernàndez and tribunal members.
Ana Cortés and Tribunal members.

New PhD at HPC4EAS!




Betzabeth del Carmen León Otero. Gestión del Almacenamiento para Tolerancia a Fallos en Computación de Altas Prestaciones.


4YFN Participation.

Interesting opportunities at 4YFN for alliances and networking. Meeting with colleagues and finding new friends. And now… for #MWC24!

UAB Stand – Parc de Recerca.

8 new PhD candidates (2022/23)!

The research group has incorporated 8 new doctoral candidates (2022/2023):

  • Candelaria Álvarez
  • Gerard Enrique
  • Ramona Galeano
  • Antonio González
  • Moshen Hallaj
  • María Harita
  • José Rivas
  • Mariela Rodriguez


HPC4EAS is Research Group of the Generalitat de Catalunya with register number 2021 SGR 00128.

El grup “Computació d’Altes Prestacions per a Aplicacions Eficients i Simulació (High Performance Computing for Efficient Applications & Simulation)”, és Grup de Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya amb número d’expedient 2021 SGR 00128 coordinat pel Doctor Remo Suppi Boldrito, de la Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona.

The Universidad Nacional de La Plata has invest Dr. Rexachs as ‘Honoris Causa’ in an Academic Act with the university authorities.

The Universidad Nacional de La Plata has invest Dr. Rexachs as ‘Honoris Causa’ in an Academic Act with the university authorities.


June 22, 2017, 9:00. Virtual Session Computer Science Faculty. Universidad Nacional de La Plata.


Dr. Rexachs presented the conference “Failures: a challenge for computer architecture” at the inaugural session of the IX CLOUD COMPUTING, BIG DATA & EMERGING TOPICS CONFERENCE – 2021 (in Spanish)


Alvaro Wong & Remo Suppi  (in UAB team with 13 members from Engineering, Food Safety and  Journalism areas) win  CONTEST/EFSA/AMU/2020/01,

They will participate in the award ceremony that will take place on Friday 19 th March 2021. The ceremony will take place online where the team and solution will be presented. During the award ceremony, the final ranking among the top five solutions will be disclosed.

Alvaro Wong & Remo Suppi have participated (in UAB team with 13 members from Engineering, Food Safety and  Journalism areas) in the contest CONTEST/EFSA/AMU/2020/01, “Design of an Artificial Intelligence solution to detect fake news using EFSA’s body of scientific opinions to safeguard the credibility of information in EU about food and feed safety”


October 19, 2020 & January 26, 2021

Ph.D Dissertations (Virtual)

  • Elham Shojaei: October 19. 2020
    • Simulation for Investigating Impact of Dependent and Independent Factors on Emergency Department System Using High Performance Computing and Agent-based Modeling.
    • Advisor: Emilio Luque
  • Ghazal Tashakor: January 26, 2021
    • Scalable agent-based model simulation using distributed computing on system biology.
    • Advisor: Remo Suppi



March 18, 2020

Ph.D Dissertations at Facultad de Informática. Universidad NAcional de La Plata. Argentina. MArch 18, 2020.

  • Diego Montesanti
    • SEDAR: Detección y Recuperación Automática de Fallos Transitorios en SIstemas de Cómputo de ALtas Prestaciones.
    • Advisors: Armando De Giusti, Dolores Rexachs
    • CoAdvisors: Marcelo Naiouf, Emilio Luque.



XI edition of the CAPAP-H Winter Seminar, which will be held at School of Engineering, Campus Bellaterra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, on Feb 6-7 2020. The subject of this year is Reconfigurable computing, FPGAs and unconventional accelerators



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