The Journal organized a conversation in Paris entitled: International Colloquium about Intersections in the public sphere. New actors, new interactions

The specialized journal deSignis celebrated twenty years with an international colloquium that took place in Paris between February 10 and 12. The meeting was attended by the director of LAPREC, Teresa Velázquez, and the group’s researcher, Lucrecia Escudero, as well as different academics who analyzed current issues, such as social protests in Chile or the importance of media in politics.

The international Colloquium of deSigniS2020 is the culmination of two years of work, 2017 and 2018, in which the number 31 of the publication has been prepared, entitled: Populism (s), whose work has been carried out with the Laboratory CERMA-Mondes Américaines of the EHESS; as well as the preparation of the issue 30, on Cyberculture, in which the journal collaborated with the University of Puerto Rico.

The first issue was published in 2000, with an academic activity in collaboration with the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), the Spanish Association of Semiotics (AES) and the auspices of the Argentine Fondation / Ministry of Education of the Argentine Republic. With 31 issues, 500 published authors and several thematic intersections in preparation, deSigniS2020 will focus on the interactions that mediation processes produce in the public sphere.

The Colloquium broadens the perspective to other social domains such as populism, political discourse, culture semiotics, history or studies on memory.