
Núria Simelio Solà


Núria Simelio Solà is PhD in Communication and Journalism (2006) and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences at the UAB since 2003. She has participated in more than 20 research projects funded in competitive public calls for proposals at regional, national, and European level (coordinator in Spain of a research project funded by the European Commission and co-principal investigator of a research project funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and FEDER). Her main lines of research are related to public communication, the analysis of citizenship in the media from a gender perspective, and new forms of democratic participation based on the social web and new technologies. Vice-Dean of Students, Teaching Staff and Mobility in the Faculty of Communication at the UAB since 2022.

Academic Status and Lines of Research

Senior Lecturer with tenure at the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences. UAB.

PhD in Communication and Journalism. UAB. 2006 (Outstanding Doctorate Award).

MA in Communication and Journalism. UAB.

Graduate in History. UAB.

Researcher in the Laboratory of Prospective and Research in Communication, Culture and Cooperation (LAPREC), Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences (UAB)

Recent Publications Highlighted

Cervi, L.; Simelio, N. & Tejedor Calvo, S. (2021) Analysis of Journalism and Communication Studies in Europe’s Top Ranked Universities: Competencies, Aims and Courses, Journalism Practice, 15:7, 1033-1053, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2020.1762505

Simelio-Solà, N., Ferré-Pavia, C., & Herrero-Gutiérrez, F.-J. (2021). Transparent information and access to citizen participation on municipal websites. Profesional De La información Information Professional, 30(2). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2021.mar.11

Santos Gonçalves, T., Simelio Solà, N. & Moreno Sardá, A. (2021) Web accessibility for citizens with reduced capacities on science portals: evaluation of MCTIC and Ciência Viva, The Journal of International Communication, 27:1, 106-125, DOI: 10.1080/13216597.2021.1885463

Lacalle, Ch. & Simelio, N. (2019) Television Serial Fiction in Spain: Between Deregulation and the Analogue Switch-off (1990–2010), Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 96:8, 1273-1288, DOI: 10.1080/14753820.2019.1648022

Simelio, N.; Ginesta, X.; San Eugenio Vela, J. & Corcoy, M. (2019) Journalism, transparency, and citizen participation: a methodological tool to evaluate information published on municipal websites, Information, Communication & Society, 22:3, 369-385, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2017.1386706

Lacalle, Ch. & Simelio, N. (2017) Television fiction and online communities: an analysis of comments on social networks and forums made by female viewers, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 34:5, 449-463, DOI: 10.1080/15295036.2017.1358820

Moreno Sardà, A., Rodríguez-Navas, P. M., & Simelio Solà, N. (2017). CiudadaniaPlural. com: from Digital Humanities to Plural Humanism. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 87-113. DOI: 10.4185/RLCS-2017-1155

Simelio, N. (2017) “The Difficulties of Gender Equality Plans in Breaking the Glass Ceiling” En: Karen Ross, Claudia Padovani (Ed.) Gender Equality and the Media A Challenge for Europe. New York: Routledge, p. 196-207.

Moreno-Sardà, A.; Molina-Rodríguez-Navas, P.; Simelio-Solà, N. (2017). Impacto de la legislación sobre transparencia en la información publicada por las administraciones locales. El profesional de la información, 26(3), p. 370-380 https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2017.may.03

Sánchez-Labella Martín, I.; Simelio, N.; & Moreno-Sardá, A. (2017). El acceso web para personas con capacidades limitadas en los ayuntamientos españoles. Cuadernos.Info, (41), 155–173. https://doi.org/10.7764/cdi.41.1061

Morales, F. & Simelio, N. (2016) Television and identities: analysis of the consumption of ‘telenovelas’ by the Latin American community in Spain, Identities, 23:5, 591-609, DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2015.1042479


She has participated in more than 50 international conferences, on several occasions as an invited speaker (EuroPCom, 2011, ECREA 2010 and others), including the IAMCR (2019), ICA (2013), IAMCR (2009) and ECREA (2008; 2012) conferences.

Exchange coordinator and ERASMUS tutor at the Faculty of Communication. UAB.

Chair of the Women’s Network of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) (2008-2012).

Coordinator in Spain of the international project “Global Media Monitoring 2015” and coordinator in the Mediterranean area of Spain of WACC’s “GMMP 2020”.

Coordinator of the Journalism Degree. Faculty of Communication. UAB (2018-2021)

Visiting Researcher at the City University of London (2012) with a grant from the José Castillejo mobility programme.

Invited expert in “The EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality” of the European Commission (Paris, 2018).

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