TXICC has received funding from two main sources: on the one hand from the associated MA degree, and on the other, from funded projects obtained through a competitive process.

Some of the members of the group are (or have been) also engaged in external projects, which partially coincide with TXICC’s research areas.

  • Name of the project: e·Chinese Plus. Project responsible: Helena Casas-Tost. Funding Institution: Fundació Institut Confuci de Barcelona & UAB. Length: 2023-24.
  • Name of the project: General History of Film Translation in China (ref. 20&ZD313). Project responsible: Jin Haina (Communication University of China). Funding institution: National Social Science Major Research Projects. Length: 2020.
  • Name of the project: e·Chinese Tools. Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning Chinese. Project responsible: Sara Rovira-Esteva & Helena Casas-Tost. Funding institution: Fundació Institut Confuci de Barcelona. Length: 2020-2021.
  • Name of the project: El cine chino traducido en España / La literatura china traducida en España. Project responsibles: Helena Casas-Tost & Sara Rovira-Esteva. Funding institution: Fundació Institut Confuci de Barcelona. Length: 2018-2019. Results: Base de datos de literatura / Base de datos de cine.
  • Name of the project: “Digital Translations in the Making: Hong Kong Contemporary Fiction in Spanish” (ref: 12608815). Funding institutionGeneral Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong SAR Research Grants Council. Length: 2015-18. HK$135,000. Project responsible: Maialen Marín Lacarta (Hong Kong Baptist University).
  • Name of the project: La calidad de la traducción como factor de garantía del proceso penal: desarrollo de recursos al servicio de los intérpretes judiciales de rumano, árabe, chino, francés e inglés. Funding institution: MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD. Length: 2015-2018. Project responsible: Carmen Bestué i Mariana Orozco. Members: Carmen Bestué, Mariana Orozco, Marta Arumí, Anna Gil-Bardají (UAB); Mireia Vargas-Urpi (UPF).
  • Name of the project: “ClipFlair Foreign Language Learning Through Interactive Revoicing and Captioning of Clips“ (519085-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-KA2-KA2MP). Funding institution: Lifelong Learning Programme. Comenius, ICT and Languages. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Length: 01.12.2011- 31.05.2014 (30 months). Participating Universities: Pompeu Fabra (UPF) Spain; Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (CTI), Greece; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain; Imperial College London (ICL), United Kingdom; Universitatea ”Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca (UBB), Romania; Universitat de Deusto (UD), Spain; Tallinn University (TLU), Estonia; University of Warsaw (UW), Poland; Universidade do Algarve (UALG), Portugal; National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway), Ireland. Project responsible: Patrick Zabalbeascoa (UPF). UAB Team project responsible: Lupe Romero; UAB Members: (in alphabetical order): Casas-Tost, Helena; Galán, Anabel; Molina, Lucia; Rodríguez-Ines, Patricia; Romero, Lupe; Rovira-Esteva, Sara and Torres-Hostench, Olga.
  • Name of the project: ChAt Project (Chinese with Audio Technologies)Funding institution: Proyecto de la Unión Europea, financiado por el programa Lifelong Learning: Comenius, ICT and Languages de la Dirección General Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency de la Unión Europea. Project Number: 511689-LLP-1-2010-1-IE-KA2-KA2MP. Participant universities: Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland), University College Dublin. (Ireland), Universidad de Granada (España), Institut Confucius de La Rochelle (France), Confucius Institut of the Friedrich-Alexander Univerisity, Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) and Beijing Language and Culture University (Popular Republic of China). Length: 01/11/2010-31/10/2012. Project responsible: Dermot F. Campbell, Head, Department of Applied Languages. Senior Researcher, Digital Media Center, Dublin Institut of Technology.
  • Name of the project: “The dichotomy between free/literal translation through history as a stimulus for national languages and/or literatures” (以直譯與意譯為歷史演繹:論翻譯之文學暨文化角色). Funding institution: National Science Council (NSC99-2410-H-032-066), Taiwan. Length: 2010-2011. Project responsible: Tai Yufen.
  • Name of the project: Terminología del aceite de oliva y comercio: China y otros mercados internacionales (P07-HUM-03041). Funding institution: Proyecto de Investigación de Excelencia, Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía. Participant universities: Universidad de Jaén y Universidad de Granada. Length: 31/01/2008-30/01/2012. Project responsible: Mercedes Roldán Vendrell.
  • Name of the project: Digital teaching material to complement Chinese courses. Funding institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Project responsible: Helena Casas-Tost. Length: 2007-2008. UAB members: Casas-Tost Helena; Rovira-Esteva, Sara; Suárez, Anne-Hélène and Tai Yu-Fen.
  • Name of the project: Elaboration of an elementary Chinese textbook. Ruy de Clavijo Funding. Funding institution: Casa Asia. Length: 2004. Project responsible: Sara Rovira-Esteva. UAB members: Rovira-Esteva, Sara and Suárez Anne-Hélène.
  • Name of the project: Chinese language textbook with an interactive material platform. Funding for teaching innovation projects. Funding institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Length: 2003-2004. Project responsible: Sara Rovira-Esteva. UAB members: Rovira-Esteva, Sara and Suárez, Anne-Hélène.