Day 1: Thursday 13th March 2014

08.30-09.00     Registration

9.00-9.15         Opening Proceedings by Pilar Orero, Principal Investigator of TransMedia Catalonia

9.15-10.15       Keynote Lecture

                          Ian Hamilton, Accessibility consultant: Changing tides: an accessibility update

10.15-11.45     PANEL 1: Serious Games & Games for Health I – Chair: Alberto Fernández-Costales

  • Jordi Arnal, Kaneda Games: Serious Games: A place to play
  • Anna Vilaró & Pilar Orero, CAIAC, UAB: Serious Games for Serious Problems: A Call of Duty
  • Marta Rodríguez, Manuel López, Eloísa Guerrero Barona, Sixto Cubo & Virgilio García, Universidad de ExtremaduraCommercial Video Games and Special Needs: Cognitive Effects

11.45-12.15     Coffee break

12.15- 13.45    PANEL 2: Games for Health II, Educational Games and Tools, Gamification – Chair: Pilar Orero

  • Santiago García Sanz (University of Vigo) & Lucía Rodríguez (Dep. of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, Vigo): Videogame-based rehabilitation for patients with acquired brain injury
  • José Ramón Calvo & José Ramón Belda (Universidad de Alicante): Teaching Specialised Lexis in ESL through Video Games: a Case Study
  • Mireia Usart (ESADE & Universitat Ramon Llull) & Margarida Romero (ESADE & Université Laval): Multilanguage adaptability in Game Based Learning for teachers: MetaVals Serious Game interface

13.45-14.45    LUNCH

14.45-16.15 PANEL 3: Game Localisation: Cultural elements – Chair: José Ramón Belda

  • José Luis Castillo, Freelance translator & researcher: Translation and Adaptation of Cultural References In Erotic and Pornographic Video Games
  • Álvaro José García Tejedor, Moreno, Ana Rus Cano Moreno, CEIEC, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria: The Pilgrim’s Codex: building and localizing a serious game set in the medieval St. James’ Way
  • Alberto Fernández-Costales, Universidad de Oviedo: Transcultural elements in video game localization: translating heroes into different cultures

16.15-16.45 Coffee break

16.45- 18.15: PANEL 4: Game localisation: Cultural elements, Creativity and Retranslation – Chair: José Ramón Calvo

  • Mari Carmen Camacho (freelance translator), Cristina Escudero, (freelance translator) & José María Pérez (Universidad de Vigo): Cultural Content Transfer and Japanese Dating Sims
  • Pietro Luigi Iaia, Università del Salento: Creativity and Readability in Game Localisation: A Case Study on Ni No Kuni
  • Ornella Lepre, University College London: Old games, new words: a study of game retranslation

 20.00     Dinner

             Mamma Café

            C/Doctor Dou, 10

Day 2: Friday 14th March 2014

9.00-10.00       Keynote Lecture

                          Kate Edwards, Geogrify, IGDA Executive Director: Thinking Beyond Localization: Making Games Relevant through Culturalization

10.00-11.30     PANEL 1: Localising Japanese Games: An Industry Perspective – Chair: Minako O’Hagan

  • Jan Büchner, Square Enix: Square Enix’s approach to localisation
  • Mariona Pera, Pokémon Company: Challenges in localising Japanese games
  • Una Softic, anydooR Inc.: Overcoming cultural differences by crowdsourcing translations to gamers: Keeping Japanese “otaku” translations locked within its subculture

11.30-12.00     Coffee Break

12.00- 13.30    PANEL 2: : Game localisation: Research methodology, Localization into Regional Varieties and Minority Languages – Chair: Pilar Orero

  • Minako O’Hagan, Dublin City University: Let’s get serious about researching game localisation – in search of methodological innovation
  • Diana Gutiérrez, ALPHA CRC:  International Spanish and Latin American Spanish: a Well-Grounded Myth In Games Localization?
  • Carme Mangiron, CAIAC, UABVideo game localization and minority languages: the case of Catalan language

13.30-14.30 LUNCH

14.30- 16.00    PANEL 3: Game subtitling, Games as transmedia products, Feminist localisation – Chair: Pablo Muñoz

  • Diego Parra, Freelance translator: Subtitles in video games: the path towards standardization
  • Miquel Pujol, Universitat de Vic    A semiotic quest into the nature of transmedia video games
  • Stephen Mandiberg, University of California, San Diego: Limits of Localization: Feminist Localization and the Problem of Specificity

16.00 – 16.30     Coffee Break

16.30-18.00     PANEL 4 Game localisation: Internationalisation, Future of the industry,  Mobile Applications – Chair: Carme Mangiron

  • Pablo Muñoz, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & independent localiser: Improving Game Localization Quality: Internationalization as the Holy Grail
  • Víctor Alonso, Freelance consultant: Localization: The Industry Who Cried Wolf
  • Anna Kuznik & Szymon Klopocki, Wroclaw UniversityHow to transform a linguistic idea into a product. Linguistic product development stages for mobile applications.

18.00 – 18.30 Closing remarks