
Logo SUB-TI Subtitles

Sub-ti provides all types of subtitling for any type of audience and for any type of media ranging from film festival digital subtitling through to multi-language strings for DVD and subtitles for television, both pre-recorded and live.

Media partners

Logo FRED The Festival Insider
Logo MAP

Sponsorship opportunities are available for Fun for All 2025. Please contact us for more information.


This conference is part of TransMedia Catalonia research group activities (2021SGR00077), and more specifically of the WEL project (PID2022-137058NB-I00).

Fun4ALL is also part of AccessCat activities. AccessCat is the Catalan Accessibility Network funded by the Department of Research of the Catalan Government (2021XARDI0007).

Logo Ministerio Ciencia e Innovacion MICIU FEDER AEI
Departament de Recerca i Universitats