
  • Educational workshops. Series of workshops for high school students (five group-class) with materials from the Witness Archive of the Democratic Memorial, documents from the National Archive of Catalonia and the Archive of the Republic Pavilion of the University of Barcelona.
  • Exposing Memory. Preparation and development of an exhibition, joint venture WIRE Online Exhibition and Democratic Memorial website.
  • Dossier. Production of a pedagogical dossier for high schools in collaboration with Edicions de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

The participants will analyse how women victims of Francisco Franco’s violence lived and resisted during the Spanish post-civil war years: from women who had to obtain guarantees to get their relatives out of a concentration camp or prison, the request for aid to be able to eat, request for favours to commute death sentences, widows who were left in situations of precariousness due to the lack of a husband, etc.

An enriched glossary of terms, historical workshops and a selection of texts and materials for the Theatrical play will be developed. A selection of results will be included in the Online Permanent Exhibition.

The participants will create an ex-novo artistic play, where texts on women and resistance proposed in the previous work will be read and interpreted. The play will be premiered in the context of the Memory Route Final Event and will open a discussion.


  • Selection and re-elaboration of texts by/for two actresses. A small theatre company in Catalonia will be selected by MEMO to work on the contents suggested in the Exposing Memory action, and to elaborate with it a play proposal for two actresses.
  • Rehearsal, premiere of the play, public debate. The work produced by the company will be rehearsed and premiered in the context of the Final Event. Afterwards, a public discussion will be opened, recorded, and published online.