Yolanda Aixelà
- Role: former collaborator
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- ORCID: 0000-0002-4333-9739
Yolanda Aixelà Cabré has been Curator of the Ethnological Museum of Barcelona (1999-2001), Professor at the University of Alicante (2001-2008), and is currently the Principal Scientist of the IMF of the Superior Council of Scientific Research – CSIC (2008- ). He has carried out ethnographic fieldwork in Egypt, Morocco, Equatorial Guinea and Spain, and multi-sited ethnography in Switzerland, England, Cameroon, South Africa and the Netherlands. Her research topics are Gender, Transnational Migrations, Kinship, Body, Ethnicity and Spanish Colonialism. She has carried out research stays as guest professor at SOAS, Great Britain (September 2002 and July 2005) and at the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale – CNRS-EHESS, France (July 2003). It should be noted that he has been a member of 13 research projects and that in recent years he has directed 3 more, the current one being the R&D “The management of cultural diversity and the socio-political impact of transnational migrations in two former Spanish colonies : Equatorial Guinea and Morocco” (HAR2011-22752) (2012-2014). She has 65 articles in national and international magazines, some indexed, and 10 books between author and co-editor.