Alexandre Surrallés i Calonge
- Role: collaborator, external researcher
- Email: alexandre.surralles@ehess.fr
Chair professor at the EHESS and senior research (director of research) at the CNRS, Alexandre Surrallés heads the Affectivité, perception, sensation: le corps agissant research team at the Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale of the Collège de France. A specialist in the anthropology of Amazonia, his research focuses on the role of affectivity in defining social ties, and covers subjects as varied as the rights of indigenous peoples and lexicography in colonial America. He is the author of Au cœur du sens ; perception, affectivité, action chez les Candoshi (Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme and CNRS éditions, 2003) and La raison lexicographique : découverte des langues et origine de l’anthropologie (Paris, Fayard, 2023).