Dídac Santos Fita
- Role: AHCISP member, Postdoc Researcher “María Zambrano”
- Email: didac.santos@uab.cat
- ORCID: 0000-0001-7347-8476
- Academia.edu
- ResearchGate
Focusing on the articulation between Anthropology and Biology/Ecology, together with the fundamentals learned from other scientific fields and a historical perspective, I approach in an integral way and with a wider scope of analysis the socio-environmental phenomena that condition the types of relationships that humans establish with the rest of living beings and the environment. From Ethnobiology and sub-disciplines, I work on the following topics: a) Human – Nature Relationships; b) Management and conservation of natural resources (I have focused more on wildlife). Hunting, shamanism and rituality; c) Traditional production systems, sustainability and food sovereignty; and d) Biocultural diversity and heritage, customary law, identity and territorial processes. All this from an interdisciplinary perspective, through qualitative and quantitative methodologies and techniques, as well as participatory methodologies; also with the audiovisual tool. I work with indigenous, afro-descendant and peasant groups in Latin America. Currently in the Catalan Pyrenees with landscape perception (visual and sound).