Josep Martí
- Role: former collaborator, external researcher
- Email: jmarti@imf.csic.es
- ORCID: 0000-0002-3739-5072
Josep Martí obtained his doctorate in 1985 at the Philipps-Universität de Marburg after having studied cultural anthropology in Barcelona and Göttingen. Since 1989 he has worked as a researcher at the Milà i Fontanals Institution of the Superior Council of Scientific Research (Barcelona) where he directs research projects in his specialty.
Throughout his professional career, the main research topics have focused on the new social meanings of intangible cultural heritage, collective identities and culture, anthropology of music and anthropology of the body. As an anthropologist he has carried out field work in different European countries, in Japan and most recently in Equatorial Guinea. The results of this work have been made known through several books, numerous articles published in specialized magazines and exhibitions. As a guest lecturer, he regularly teaches courses in his specialty at several universities in the country.