Laura Ramírez Rodríguez
- Role: Phd Student
- Email: 1480912@uab.cat
- ORCID: 0009-0000-5403-698X
My research topics include transnational migrations, religion (Latin American Protestantisms), and embodiment. Currently, I am conducting research on conversion processes, the meanings of the divine, ideas about the “good Christian”, and forms of religious life among evangelical/Pentecostal migrants in Spain, Chile, and Colombia. I have also collaborated on other research projects regarding the effects of armed conflict in the Sumapaz region, the Eje Cafetero, and the Magdalena Medio in Colombia, as well as on the legitimization of armed groups, forced displacement, and refuge. I am a member of the editorial team of Perspectivas Revista de Ciencias Sociales at the University of Rosario in Argentina.