Montserrat Ventura i Oller
- Role: Group Coordinator
- Email: montserrat.ventura@uab.cat
- ORCID: 0000-0001-8534-4643
PhD in social anthropology and ethnology (EHESS, Paris, 2000), she has conducted fieldwork with the Tsachila society in Ecuador where she has studied the fields of shamanism, the notions of the person, miscegenation, humanity, cultural borders, peace and resolution of conflicts, mobility, time and space, as well as the local forms of knowledge and the relationships between humans and their environment. She has published articles in journals and participated in books in Europe and America. The monography Identité, cosmologie et chamanisme des tsachila de l’Équateur. À la croisée des chemins (Paris : L’Harmattan, 2009), translated into Spanish En el cruce de caminos. Identidad, cosmología y chamanismo Tsachila (Quito : FLACSO / Abya-Yala / IFEA, 2012). She has coordinated the AHCISP research group several times and has participated in, or directed, Catalan, national or international research projects.