Pablo Domínguez
- Role: collaborator, external researcher
- Email: Pablo.Dominguez@uab.cat
- ORCID: 0000-0002-8890-7509
- Curriculum Vitae
I am permanent senior researcher of the French CNRS, based at the Eco-Anthropology Laboratory of the Museum of Humankind in Paris, and linked researcher of the UAB. I combine 6 years of BSc training in Environmental Biology at the UAM (Madrid) and AMU (Marseille), with a PhD in Ethnology at the EHESS (Paris) and the UAB (Barcelona) on the communal governance of natural resources by transhumant High Atlas agro-sylvo-pastoralists, and their sustainability and conservation capacities, as well as their biocultural diversity. Today I particularly focus in the Mediterranean region, with most of my work concentrating in Spain, Morocco and the Balkans. I research ‘about’ these communal systems but also ‘in favor’ of their positive natural and cultural values. This takes me often to interact with civic society organizations, public bodies, international agencies and different stakeholders and decision-makers in a continuous effort to favor knowledge transfer and advice for its practical application on the ground. More information at the PICCAHers blog.