Ramon Massana Codina
- Role: Phd student
- Email: ramon.massana@autonoma.ca
- ORCID: 0009-0005-0067-9767
Bachelor’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UB), Master in Contemporary History (UAB) and PhD student in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UAB).
Professor of the subject Society and Culture in the Social Education degree at the UVic, and a teacher in different secondary and adult education school centers.
His topics of interest are linked to historical anthropology. He is currently working on his thesis Anarchist memory in Berguedà: a perspective from historical anthropology, under the direction of Dr. Montserrat Clua, within the research group AHCISP’s SGR Line 1. Intersectional exclusions, conflict movements and conflict resolution.
He has published the book Foc i brases. República, guerra i postguerra a Vilada (L’Albada, 2020), the volume of memoirs of elderly people from Berguedà Vides (L’Albada, 2017) and has published various interviews related to anarchist memory for the magazine Catalunya, among others.