Verena Stolcke
- Role: researcher, professor emerita, founder
- Email: verena.stolcke@uab.es
Verena Stolcke is professor emeritus in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He was born in Germany in 1938 and studied at the Institute of Social Anthropology, Oxford University (PhD in Social Anthropology, 1970).
She conducted historical archival research and ethnographic fieldwork in Cuba in 1967-68 and in Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 1973 and 1979. She is the author of “Marriage, Class, and Color in Nineteenth Century Cuba” (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , 1974, republished by the University of Michigan Press in 1989 and 2003; also published in Spanish under the title “Racismo y Sexualidad en la Cuba Colonial” Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1992 and with a revision by Editorial Bellaterra in 2017, entitled “Racismo y sexualidad en la Cuba colonial”. Intersections), from Coffee Planters, Workers, and Wives: Class Conflict and Gender Relations on Sao Paulo Plantations, 1850 1980 (Oxford: St Antony’s / Macmillan 1988; also published in Portuguese with the title “Coffee Culture: Men, Women and Capital” (1850-1980) São Paulo, Brazil, Ed Brasiliense SA, 1986), from “Women’s Labours: The Naturalization of Social Inequality and Women’s Subordination”, in “Of Marriage and the Market” , coordinated by K. Young, C. Wolkowitz, and R. Mcculloch (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1981), from “New Reproductive Technologies, Old Fatherhood”, Reproductive and Genetic Engineering I (I), from “Is Sex to Gender as Race Is to Ethnicity?” In Gendered Anthropology, edited by Teresa del Valle (London: Routledge, I993; published in Spanish with the title “Is sex para el género lo que la raza es para la ethnicityd … y la naturaleza para la sociedad?” in Política y Culture, Monograph Raza / etnia y género, 2000).
Among his most recognized articles is “Talking Culture. New boundaries, new rhetorics of exclusion in Europe”, Current Anthropology 36 (1) 1995; “The ‘Nature’ of Nationality” in Citizenship and Exclusion edited by Veit Bader (London: Macmillan Press Ltd, 1997) and “El sexo de la biotecnología”, in Genes in the Laboratory and in the Factory, edited by Alicia Durán & Jorge Riechmann (Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998).
Verena Stolcke has published on race, métissage, nationalism, gender and feminist theory. Part of his publications are collected in his latest book “¿Por qué clasificamos? Desigualdades y diferencias”, Editorial Bellaterra, 2024.