1. What was the aim of Event 6?

Event 6 took place on 14 June 2021.

It was an online event

organised by RTV Slovenija.


The aim of the event

was to focus on audiovisual journalism

in easy-to-understand language

and to present some of the EASIT materials.


65 participants attended the event.


2. What did we do at the event?

There were 6 presentations:

  • Veronika Rot gave a welcoming speech.
  • Anna Matamala gave a presentation

of the EASIT project.

  • Miha Lobnik spoke about the importance

of non-discriminatory information.

  • Sekumady Conde spoke

about the role of journalism today.

  • Ilinka Todorovski focused on the interaction between 

a public broadcaster and the public.

  • Veronika Rot closed the event.


The participants could watch three round tables:

  • television journalism and easy-to-understand language,
  • information, language and end users’ needfrom a professional perspective,
  • and the role of the validators in creating audiovisual news.


Participants could also watch

a selection of EASIT materials.


3. Where can I see the videos?

You can watch all the Event 6 presentations

on the EASIT webpage

under Events/ Event 6.


If you have any questions,

you can contact Veronika Rot.

Her email address is: Veronika.Rot@rtvslo.si