1. What did we do?

We created lists of recommendations about

how to write audiovisual information in easy-to-understand language.

For instance, how to write news, subtitles and audio descriptions.


2. Who helped us?

Many experts helped us.

We met with them in small groups

and we wrote down their ideas and tips.


3. What are the results?

We created three different recommendations:

  • recommendations for easy-to-understand subtitles,
  • recommendations for easy-to-understand audio descriptions,
  • and recommendations for easy-to-understand news. 


4. Where are the recommendations?

You can find the recommendations in a document called IO2 Report.

You can download the report

on the EASIT project website:



5. Who can use these results?

Everybody can download the report

and use the recommendations.


Do you have any questions?

Then, you can ask Rocío Bernabé Caro.

Her email address is: rocio.bernabe@sdi-muenchen.de