1. What did we do?

We revised existing skills cards

and similar documents for professionals

in the field of media accessibility.


We identified their skills and competences.

We linked these skills

to the new professional profiles.


We created the skills cards

for the new professional profiles

that can create easy-to-understand audiovisual information.


2. What are the results?

We created three different skills cards:

  • expert in easy-to-understand subtitles,
  • expert in easy-to-understand audio description,
  • and expert in easy-to-understand audiovisual journalism.


Each skills card contains four units:

  • Unit 1 | Media Accessibility Norms and Regulations,
  • Unit 2 | Easy-to-Understand Language,
  • Unit 3 | Easy-to-Understand Subtitling/Audio Description/Audiovisual Journalism,
  • and Unit 4 | The Profession.


The full report is available

on the EASIT project website.


3. Who can use these results?

The results were used

to design a curriculum

to train the new professionals.


Are you interested in creating a curriculum

or training with the skills cards?

Then you can go to the website

and read the report.

You can also download the skills cards.


Do you have any questions?

Then, you can ask Pablo Romero-Fresco.

His email address is: promero@uvigo.es.