1. What was the aim of Event 5?

Event 5 took place on January 27th, 2021.

It was an online event

organised by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


The aim of the event

was to present some of the EASIT videos.

These videos can be used

to teach people about easy-to-understand language.


151 participants attended the event.


2. What did we do in the event?

There were 4 presentations:

  • Anna Matamala welcomed participants.
  • Clara Delgado presented the Spanish standard on Easy-to-Read.
  • Elisabet Serra presented the Easy-to-Read Association in Catalonia.
  • Anna Matamala closed the event.


There were also 2 videos about the project:

  • A video about the EASIT project.
  • A video about the teaching materials we created.


There were also 79 videos available.

These videos teach easy-to-understand language.


Participants could choose the videos

they wanted to watch during the event

and during the week after.


3. Where can I see the videos?

You can watch the 4 presentations on the EASIT webpage,

under Events / Event 5.


You can watch the videos on the EASIT training materials website.


If you have any questions,

you can contact Anna Matamala

at anna.matamala@uab.cat.