“Bridging Perspectives on Contemporary Literatures in English: Intersections of Conflict, Displacement, Migration and Ageing”

15 November 2023 (10:00–16:30), Sala d’Actes, Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, UAB

This collaborative research seminar was hosted by G4RoC (Group for the Representation of Conflict, UAB) with the co-participation of CELCA (Centre de Literatures i Cultures en Anglès, Universitat de Lleida).

The seminar focussed on the themes of conflict, displacement, migration, and ageing in contemporary English literature. This event fostered collaboration between both research groups and offered an opportunity to challenge dominant narratives, provide a platform for marginalised voices, and cultivate a more inclusive understanding of these critical issues.

Primarily aimed at researchers, specialists, and doctoral students in the field of English literature and related disciplines, the seminar provided a platform to engage with and present work on the topics of interest to this cooperative event.

The seminar was open to the public.

Programme & Abstracts

Reports on the Seminar

Photos from the Seminar

Downloadable pdf.