Universality everywhere: from spin models to automata, and beyond
Seminar author:Gemma De las Cuevas
Event date and time:03/11/2021 04:00:pm
Event location:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89323311560?pwd=WjFZZmo0WWU2ekdud0M4YXZqR1RUdz09
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Why is it so easy to generate complexity? I will suggest that this is due to the phenomenon of universality — essentially every non-trivial system is universal, and thus able to explore all complexity in its domain. We understand the phenomenon of universality in spin models, automata and neural networks. I will explain the first step toward rigorously linking the first two, as well as perspectives of extending this study to other fields. I will also talk about one of the puzzling and far-reaching consequences of universality, namely undecidability.