Quantifying topological phases with quantum information theory
Alonso Viladomat | UAB
10/07/2021 04:00:pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87100620331?pwd=UGpqZHBMTFEzS3g1ZlVkRSsvMVVvdz09 -
Entangled subspaces and generic local state discrimination with pre-shared entanglement
Benjamin Lovitz | University of Waterloo
01/13/2022 04:00:pm -
Geometry of Quantum Information
Hector Silva | UAB
10/28/2021 04:00:pm -
Jessica O. de Almeida | ICFO
10/21/2021 04:00:pm -
The observational entropy of quantum correlations and entanglement
Joseph C. Schindler | UC Santa Cruz
11/04/2021 04:00:pm ONLINE ONLY -
Current research in quantum transport
Matt Hoogsteder Riera | UAB
09/30/2021 04:00:pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89063250826?pwd=cmVac2ZpWUx3bm5pb0Y2b0FORjhRUT09 -
Activation of genuine multipartite entanglement: beyond the single-copy paradigm of entanglement characterisation
Simon Morelli | IQOQI Vienna
09/23/2021 04:00:pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83410362610?pwd=VkJrVENrTmRSL1NBU3BZeXBmS1RQdz09 -
Testing the quantumness of gravity via a mathematical theory of quantum benchmarks
Ludovico Lami | Ulm University
09/16/2021 04:00:pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84464822440?pwd=a2xQREM2ZjBQdVlyK2NkdE8zU253Zz09 -
Quantum operations with indefinite direction of time: the quantum time flip
Giulio Chiribella | University of Hong Kong
05/20/2021 10:00:am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83095734619?pwd=MG5VN1pPVjNUbVM5S1dZVm1nbC9TQT09 -
From Static to Dynamic Divergences
Gilad Gour | University of Calgary, AB, Canada
05/27/2021 04:00:pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82570810222?pwd=TUhTemJCZy9leHlMdDNZSHloeWh2QT09