Bounding the forward classical capacity of bipartite quantum channels
Mark Wilde | Louisiana State University
02/18/2021 04:00:pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87196633701?pwd=a1NhbUdhREdBSjlLQUxpN1oxc1N5Zz09 -
Resurrecting Clausius: Why Nanomachines are More Efficient than We Thought
María García Díaz | UAB
02/11/2021 04:00:pm -
Fluctuation theorems from Bayesian retrodiction
Valerio Scarani | National University Singapore
01/28/2021 10:00:am -
Polar Codes for Quantum Channel Discrimination
Stefano Mancini | Università di Camerino
12/17/2020 04:00:pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88427826091?pwd=OEFqUkxZOXpjMmJNV3Rqb2Y1aExWQT09 -
GIQ Series: Optomechanics 4
Bartosz Markowicz | University of Warsaw
12/01/2020 03:30:pm GIQ VIRTUAL SEMINAR -
Theory-independent dynamics and phase-space observables
Matthias Kleinmann | University of Siegen
11/26/2020 04:30:pm GIQ VIRTUAL SEMINAR -
GIQ Series: Optomechanics 3
Bartosz Markowicz | University of Warsaw
11/24/2020 03:30:pm GIQ VIRTUAL SEMINAR -
GIQ Series: Optomechanics 2
Bartosz Markowicz | University of Warsaw
11/18/2020 12:00:pm GIQ VIRTUAL SEMINAR -
Shadow Tomography of Quantum States: Progress and Prospects
Scott Aaronson | University of Texas at Austin
12/03/2020 04:30:pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89605659387?pwd=Rm42SHR2YnJCYWdEWjRHd09hZjB2Zz09 -
Bayesian parameter estimation using Gaussian states and measurements
Simon Morelli | IQOQI Vienna
11/19/2020 04:15:pm GIQ VIRTUAL SEMINAR
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