Upcoming Events
Doctoral School GREIP
5, 6 and 7 of February 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm Talks delivered in: English Venue: Master Seminar 4 (G6/202) Education Faculty | Doctoral School GREIP Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid, University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd (Germany) Unpacking Teacher Development in Telecollaborative Plurilingual Pedagogy: A Collaborative Qualitative Exploration Dr. Meike Wernicke & Sadia Shad, University of British Columbia (Canada) Researcher positionality – guiding our questions, our process, and the collective construction of knowledge Dr. Florence Bonacina-Pugh, University of Edinburgh (Scotland) Exploring ‘practiced language policies’ |
Finished events
Academic course 2024 – 2025
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
December 3rd 5:30 – 6:30 pm Talk delivered in: English Venue: Online | “That’s worth investigating”: Toward conversational human–Generative AI interaction Dr. Steven Thorne Portland State University |
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
November 22nd 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Venue: Magazine room Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UAB) | Conference Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature 15th anniversary |
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
November 20th 5:00 – 6:30 pm Talk delivered in: Spanish Venue: Online | Researching the development of writing skills: from individual writing to computer-mediated and multimodal collaborative writing Dr. Maria Camino Bueno Alastuey Public University of Navarre |
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
November 14th 1:30 – 2:30 pm Talk delivered in: Spanish Venue: Seminar 1 – G5 | ‘‘Speaking bilingually”: a co-working ethnography on Guarani language uses and transmission processes in Corrientes, Argentina. Tamara Daiana Alegre National University of the Northeast/National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina |
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
22nd of October 5:30 – 6:30 pm Talk delivered in: English Venue: Online | Multiliteracies pedagogy in action: Argumentative meaning-making in a written versus a multimodal EFL task Dr. Pedro Antonio Férez Mora & Dr. Yvette Coyle Murcia University |
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
17th of September 17:00 h – 18:30 h Talk delivered in: English Venue: Online | The ideology of monolingualism and its impact on bi/multilingualism studies Dr. Rachele Antonini University of Bologna |
Academic course 2023 – 2024
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
17th of January 5:00-6:30 pm Talk delivered in: English Venue: Seminar 2 | Learner’s participation in plurilingual interactions during the development of a transnational project: Research context & Data session Cèlia Pratginestós Pou Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Doctoral School GREIP
14th, 15th and 16th of February Venue: Boardroom Education Faculty | Doctoral School GREIP Speakers Dr. Henar Rodriguez Navarro Valladolid University Constructing imaginaries: an approach to a thinking-based teaching model for teachers Dr. Emilee Moore de Luca Autonomous University of Barcelona Communication and learning at the intersection of language and the arts. |
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
4th of March 1:00 – 2:30 pm Talk delivered in: English Venue: Seminar 1 | Mediation Activities in an Out-of-school Digital Story-telling Project Zhang Miaomiao Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Activity for GREIP members, associates, doctoral and master students.
11th of March 5:00-6:30 pm Venue: Online | Gender and research in education Invisible Threads of Gender and English Language Teaching Research Harold Andres Castañeda Peña Universidad Distrital de Colombia Flesh and bones: Gender identities, western episteme and academic research in the field of education Suan Aponte Andújar Universitat Pompeu Fabra Dr. Nicholas Faraclas University of Puerto Rico |
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
11th of April 5:00-6:30 pm Talk delivered in: English Venue: Seminar 2A (Module II) | Bilingual education: a reality in Brazilian public schools? Leonardo Parisi Universidade Federal da Paraíba |
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
26th of April 11:00 – 12:15 m Talk delivered in: English Venue: Online | The interactive co-construction of identity. Some implications between biographical identity and linguistic competence. Alessandro D’Altoé Università di Bologna |
Training activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
15th of May 12:00 m – 14:00 h Talk delivered in: Catalan Venue: Seminar 4 (UAB Building G6/202) | Language education and adult literacy in the Catalan context. César Herranz Trainer at ACOF and CFA Escola de Vida. |
Activity for GREIP members, associates and doctoral students.
12th of June 16:00 h – 20:30 h Venue: Magazine room Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UAB) | International Seminar CULT Building linguistically and culturally inclusive teaching and learning for the 21st century |