
Eduardo Donza

Eduardo Donza is a sociologist who has a PhD in “Generation & Analysis of Statistical Information”. He is currently preparing to become a Doctor in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires.

He is a consultant for international and national organisms, non-governmental organizations and firms related to subjects concerning labour market, social inequality, territorial development’s strategies, vulnerable groups, income and households’ strategies.

He was a technical assistant to Argentina’s Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security between 1997 and 2004 and a national official of the International Labour Organisation between 2004 and 2008.

Currently, he is a graduate professor from the University of Buenos Aires and the National University of La Matanza. He is also a post-graduate professor at the Latin American School of Social Sciences (FLACSO). He is a researcher at the Observatorio de la Deuda Social Argentina from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina and the Gino Germani Institute at the School of Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires.