
Mattia Vacchiano

Graduated in 2008 at the University of Salento (Italy), has obtained a Master degree in Sociology (2011) at the University of Bologna. He spent part of his studies at the University of Salamanca (2005/2006) and he is currently attending a PhD program at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, as member of the Centre d’Estudis FI Sociològics on the Treball i Vida Quotidiana – QUIT. He holds a Fi scholarship, founded by the catalan government. Member of the Institut del Treball – IET, as assistant professor has taught courses in general sociology, quantitative and qualitative methods at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. As part of the European project, INCASI, has spent his exchange period at the Instituto de investigaciones Gino Germani, University od Buenos Aires (UBA). His research analize social inequalities in the labor market, particulary focusing on the role played by social capital along the job search process. He is also interested in gender studies, sociology of risk and gambling studies.