
María Eugenia Roberti

Maria Eugenia Roberti is Sociologist, Master in Social Sciences and she is studying for aPhD in Social Sciences from the National University of La Plata. Research fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and teaching in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. National University of La Plata (FaHCE-UNLP). It is part of the research projects “The methodological reflexivity in the social sciences: analysis of the process of social research” (Incentive Program Teachers 11/ H722) and “Trajectories and careers work against corporate restructuring: a comparative study of occupational itineraries workers in the oil and textile sectors from a gender perspective”(FONCYT-PICT 2012-1089), under the direction of Dr. Leticia Muniz Terra. Its main topics of interest are youth, public policies and studies of trajectories. He has produced several publications in national and international journals regarding these issues.