
Claudia Verónica Castillo Rozas

Social Worker and Master in Social Work and Social Policies, University of Concepción.

Currently Senior Lecturer, Faculty Science social, Department Social Work, University of Concepción; Director of the Department of Social work from the year 2012 to date; and Director of the Diploma of Intervention in Intrafamily Violence since 2011.

She has participated in the Research Projects: Cultural practices and social representations on sustainable development duration, in biological – math and social science students of the University of Concepción. Co-researcher. University of Concepción, 2010-2011; Comparative study of indexes of childhood 2009-2010 in Bío-Bío Region and construction of a new index of development of childhood. Co-researcher. University of Concepción, 2012-2014, and Follow-up of the Transformations of the Health System in Chile, post-reform AUGE-GES. Co-researcher. University of Concepción, 2013-2015.