
Norma Guadalupe Pérez López

Norma Guadalupe Lopez Perez, wife Maya-bats’i ants. She has a degree in History from the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH), Master in Social Anthropology from the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology, -CIESAS- both located in Chiapas, Mexico. Currently he is conducting his doctoral studies in Social Sciences at the University of Chile.

His professional and academic experience has been linked to the issue of children and youth of indigenous peoples of southern Mexico, texts focus on socialization and work of indigenous children and children’s participation in the social sector. He has taught at the race in history at his alma mater, and has also been a visiting professor at the Ecole Normale Bilingual Intercultural Indigenous “Jacinto Canek” study both houses located in Chiapas, Mexico.

She collaborates with the Academic Body “Children and Youth in Contexts of Diversity” (UNACH) and is also part of the Network of Educators Working Children and Adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is also part of a cooperative of women weavers Chixiltón, Chenalhó; Chiapas.

The research topics are focused on indigenous children and work, indigenous peoples, migration, education and racism.