
Elisabet Almeda Samaranch

Lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Analysis of Organizations of the Universidad de Barcelona and Director of the Intercollege Group Copolis “Bienestar, Comunidad y Control Social”, attached to the Universidad de Barcelona (GRC). She holds a PhD in Sociology from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and a Master’s degree in Social Welfare and Social Planning from the University of Kent in Canterbury. She is a graduate of the UB’s Common Study Program on Criminal Justice and Critical Criminology and holds a degree in Economics and Business of the UB. Her work in research and teaching has developed in three main areas: criminal enforcement systems (social control, female delinquency, women’s prisons), changes and family policies (single-parent families, breakdowns of unions, comparative family policies) and memory and identity. In all of them, he has carried out several investigations and published several books and scientific articles and social outreach. She participates in several networks, commissions and associations on her subjects of study, among which the Coordination of the International Thematic Network on Gender and Penal System (Red Geispe) and the International Thematic Network of Research on Single Parent Families (TIIFAMO Network, www.tiifamo.net).