
Héloïse Prévost

PhD student in sociology at the LISST-Dynamiques Rurales laboratory, CNRS Research Unit, I work on gender, rural feminist movements and agroecology in Brazil. My thesis is co-supervised by Hélène Guétat-Bernard (University Toulouse Jean Jaurès) and Gema Galgani S. L. Esmeraldo (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil). I have benefited from the REFEB (French network of Brazilian studies), FAPERJ (Carlos Chagas Son of Amparo Foundation for the Investigation of the State of Rio de Janeiro) and GIS-Gender (Scientific Interest Group on Gender) mobility grants to carry out my research in Brazil. In my thesis ,I have co-directed a participatory film with the movement of rural women workers from the Northeast of Brazil, “Mulheres Rurais em Movimento”. I teach sociology at the University of Toulouse and teach in the GEPS Master (Gender, Iquality and Social Politics). I am a member of the Arpege-Efigies-Toulouse group, which organizes workshops and conferences on gender issues every year.