
Carla Vidal Figueroa

Social Worker of the University of Concepción (Chile), Master in Social Welfare and PhD in Social Sciences, both by the University of Valencia (Spain). She works as a Lecturer in the Social Work Department at University of Concepción, Professor in the Diploma in Social Policy Management at the Political Sciences and Administrative Department, Professor in the Master in Social Work and Social Policies and Professor in the Master in Family Intervention, boyh in the University of Concepción. She coordinates the Research Group on Social Welfare Policies, Associated Unit to the Polibienestar Research Institute of the University of Valencia, where she collaborated as a junior researcher during 2010 to 2014. During this period she worked on a project on governance in Peru, was part of the Local Organizing Committee of the Annual Conference of ESPAnet in 2011, participated in four projects funded by the European Union and conducted research stays in Chile (6 months), England (3 months) and Scotland (3 months). During 2016 she participated in the projects “Systematization of experiences and methodologies of citizen participation”, “Validation and implementation of the Social Progress Index in Cabrero, Chile” and “Training School for monitors in Promotion in Healthy Aging”, and during 2017 she is participating in the projects “Support plan to implement the Inclusive Local Development Strategy – EDLI” funded by chilean government, and the “International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities – INCASI” funded by the European Union. Her research focuses on the comparison of social policies, social welfare and aging, topics addressed in 7 publications of which 6 are indexed (2 ISI, 2 Scopus, 2 Latindex), and 2 book chapters.