
Julián Rebón

He was born in Buenos Aires in 1973. He is a PhD in Social Sciences from University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Master in Population (FLACSO, Mexico) and Sociologist (UBA). He is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Masters in Research in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires, as well as Independent Researcher of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONICET) at Gino Germani Research Institute. He is also currently member of the Steering Committee of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). He has directed the Gino Germani Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA between 2009 and 2013 and the Institute of Culture, Society and State of the National University of Tierra del Fuego between 2013 and 2014. His printed books are Conflicto Armado y Desplazamiento de Población. Chiapas 1994-1998 (FLACSO-Prorrúa, 2001), Desobedeciendo al desempleo. La experiencia de las Empresas recuperadas (PICASO-La Rosa Blindada, 2004), La empresa de la autonomía. Trabajadores recuperando la producción (PICASO-Colectivo ediciones, 2007), Empresas Recuperadas. La autogestión de los trabajadores (CI, 2006)- with Ignacio Saavedra- and Las vías de la acción directa (Aurelia Rivera, 2012) -with Verónica Perez. He has edited with Carolina Mera Gino Germani. La sociedad en cuestión (CLACSO-IIG, 2010), with Massimo Modonesi Una década en movimiento. Luchas populares en el amanecer del siglo XXI (CLACSO, PROMETEO, Sociales Publicaciones y FYL UBA) and with Verónica Pérez La perturbación como motor de la historia. Los ferrocarriles metropolitanos durante el kirchnerismo (Biblos-CLACSO).