
Joan Miquel Verd

Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology (1994). Bachelor of Economic and Business Sciences (1996). Doctor in Sociology from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2002). Professor in the Department of Sociology of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Director of the Centro de Estudios Sociológicos sobre la Vida Cotidiana y el Trabajo (QUIThttp://quit.uab.cat/) and researcher and member of the Directorate of the Instituto de Estudios del Trabajo (IET, http: //iet.uab .cat /) of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Chairman of the Research Committee 01 – Metodología de la Federación Española de Sociología (http://www.fes-sociologia.com/metodologia/comites/1).

Secretary of the Department of Sociology of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona since December 2008. He has been a scientific advisor to the Agencia de Calidad Universitaria catalana (AQU) in his survey of employers and has developed research projects for the Observatorio de la Juventud de Cataluña ( OCJ) and the Subdirección General de Seguridad y Salud Laboral de Cataluña (SGSSL).

His publications and research activity revolve around the sociology of work and research methods. In the first of these fields his research has focused on: a) the relationship between training, employment and skills; b) the relationships between employment and social protection; c) the work trajectories of the youth population; and d) the use of social capital in the labor market. Methodologically, their interests are focused on: a) analysis of social networks; b) analysis of texts and discourse; c) longitudinal, narrative and biographical analyzes; d) mixed designs and methods; and e) the use of computer tools applied to qualitative analysis.

Email: JoanMiquel.Verd@uab.cat 

Web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joan_Miquel_Verd