
Núria Vergés Bosch

Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the Universidad de Barcelona. She is a member of the consolidated research group COPOLIS, of the teaching innovation CEFOCID-COPOLIS, as well as the Instituto Interuniversitario de Mujeres y Género (IIEDG). PhD in Information and Knowledge Society from the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the UOC, Master in Public and Social Policies for the Universidad Pompeu Fabra and a degree in Political Science from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

His research has to do with 5 main lines of research: the relationship between gender and the information society; public policies and the Welfare State; the collective memory; sexist violence and feminist research methodologies. In relation to these issues, he has published several articles, participated in several investigations and is a member of several entities, groups and collectives of research, gender and ICT experimentation. I would highlight the Donestech collective of women and new technologies, the Alia association of women for research and action and SIMREF.