
Sol Scavino

Master in Gender Sociology, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UDELAR). As a research assistant of the Gender Sociology Research Group (GISG), she has worked on several projects focused on the production of knowledge about unpaid and paid work, emphasizing the observation of gender inequalities in social relations of care.

The empirical approach of the GISG research questions is carried out through quantitative and qualitative studies. Among the former, she has published (in several of the examples, in co-authorship with colleagues of the GSIG) based on the time-use survey, articles such as “Sexual division of labor in Uruguay in 2007 and 2013. Trends in changes and in the permanence of gender inequalities “,” Sayings and Facts: representations about unpaid work and use of time in Uruguayan youth” and “Caring in elderly. Gender inequalities in Uruguay “; Based on the National Survey of Unpaid Health Care “Economic measure of unpaid care in health: a contribution for the recognition of the invisible work of households and women” and her thesis “Supported Familism and Feminization of the health care strategies. Persistent challenges for gender equity and the exercise of the right to care”, among others.

Based on in-depth interviews with women (single-parent households), she wrote “Care and gender subjectivation. A discourse analysis of women who constitute single-parent households with small children “, analyzing the role of men in child care, based on mother’s points of view.

She is currently working on the layout of the first National Survey of Care Strategies that the GISG carries out together with the National Care System.