
Miguel Urrutia Fernández

Historian, Master in Sociology, Doctor in Sociology from the University of Louvain, Belgium. Academic full-time of the Department of Sociology of the University of Chile. Professor of the Doctorate in Social Sciences of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile (three completed theses and three theses directed in process). Co-researcher of Project 1071090 “Social Imaginaries of the Other in Contemporary Chile. The woman, the indigenous and the immigrant” Researcher would of postdoctoral research 3120206 “Choosing the best? personnel selection practices and new forms of inequalities in the labor market in Chile”. Principal Researcher of projects 1110973 “Trade union action codes under subcontracting conditions in the copper, forestry and port sectors”, and 1131018 “The repertoires of trade union action to changes in the world of work in Chile (1990-2014). Study in the 15 regions of the country”. All projects of the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (Fondecyt). In the themes of these projects he has directed books, prepared chapters and articles for prestigious Chilean, Latin American and European scientific journals.