
Sara Caro

PhD student in Psychology Universidad, Católica de Chile. Social worker by the PUC, Social Work Magister, PUC and assistant professor at the PUC School of Social Work. Researcher studied “The strengths of age. Qualitative research regarding the strengths, weaknesses and interests of older adults in the municipality of Peñalolén, according to autonomous income quintiles.” 2009.Co investigator project X contest Public Policies UC “Pilot Model of specialized territorial Social Services for vulnerable older adults”. 2015. Co-researcher study CEVE-UC and Fundación Oportunidad Mayor “Innovative experiences in the care of elderly people with dementia”. 2015. Main lines of study: institutionality for the elderly, social services for the elderly with a territorial perspective, social work and family. Main publications on the subject: Caro, S. “Institutionality and National Policy for the Elderly in Chile. Analysis of the period 1996 – 2012 from an institutionalist perspective focused on the actors”. Thesis to qualify for the Master in Social Work PUC. 2014.