
Tuukka Tomperi

 At the present and through the period of 1.6.2018–31.5.2022 my full-time research work at the University of Tampere is funded by research grant provided by the Kone Foundation. During this time my work is affiliated to the Faculty of Education of the University of Tampere, and I have signed an agreement on resources, facilities and affiliation with the University of Tampere.As a researcher and a university teacher I have worked in several different areas: sociology and philosophy of education, educational policy, youth studies and socialization research, pedagogical and curriculum theory and development, teacher education. In the past ten years I have particularly specialized in issued of democracy, political socialization and philosophical critical thinking in education.

Researcher, University of Tampere / Kone Foundation. Present (2018–2022). University teacher (educational sciences, philosophy and social studies), University of Tampere. 2014–2017. Researcher, Finnish Youth Research Network (Youth, Generations and Socialization -research program). 2011–2013. University assistant & project researcher (educational sciences), University of Tampere. 2007–2010. (Earlier positions e.g. as a high school subject matter teacher (philosophy, psychology, ethics and social studies; City of Tampere) and a lecturer in teacher education (social sciences and philosophy; University of Tampere).