
Leon Freude

APIF predoctoral researcher in the Department of Sociology of the University of Barcelona. He is member of the consolidated research group COPOLIS and the CEFOCID-COPOLIS teaching innovation group. Master in Women, Gender and Citizenship Studies from the Interdisciplinary Institute for Women and Gender Studies (IiEDG) and graduated in Sociology from the University of Barcelona.
His thesis project ‘The LGBTI tolerance in the values ​​of Europeans: challenges, changes and opportunities for social movements and public policies’ is centered on both, research methodologies and techniques as well as sexualities. He has worked for the Recercaixa research project ‘Incorporate, Retain and Promote Women to the Occupational Technology Sector’ and continues to work on the UB Teaching Innovation Project ‘Sharing Ideas. The university goes to the institute’. Also, he has collaborated with the Marie Skłodowska-Curie project ‘QTReproART-Towards an Inclusive Common European Framework for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Queer and Transgender Reproduction in the Age of ART’ and the project ‘LGBT+ Health’ investigating health inequalities in Catalonia.